SEC Filing Deadlines Based on a December 31, 2023 Fiscal Year End

Form 10-K
(Period ended Dec. 31, 2023)
Thursday, February 29
(60 days from year end)
Friday, March 15
(75 days from year end)
Monday, April 1
(90 days from year end)
Form NT 10-K (Form 12b-25)
(1 day after filing due date)
Friday, March 1Monday, March 18Tuesday, April 2
Form 10-K
(with 15 day extension)
Friday, March 15Monday, April 1Tuesday, April 16
Form 20-F
(Foreign Private Issuers)
Wednesday, May 1
(4 months from year end)
Wednesday, May 1
(4 months from year end)
Wednesday, May 1
(4 months from year end)
Form NT 20-F
(1 day after filing due date)
Thursday, May 2Thursday, May 2Thursday, May 2
Form 20-F
(with 15 day extension)
Thursday, May 16Thursday, May 16Thursday, May 16
Form 10-Q
(Period ended March 31, 2024)
Friday, May 10
(40 days from quarter end)
Friday, May 10
(40 days from quarter end)
Wednesday, May 15
(45 days from quarter end)
Form NT 10-Q (Form 12b-25)
(1 day after filing due date)
Monday, May 13Monday, May 13Thursday, May 16
Form 10-Q
(with 5 day extension)
Wednesday, May 15Wednesday, May 15Monday, May 20
Form 10-Q
(Period ended June 30, 2024)
Friday, August 9
(40 days from quarter end)
Friday, August 9
(40 days from quarter end)
Wednesday, August 14
(45 days from quarter end)
Form NT 10-Q (Form 12b-25)
(1 day after filing due date)
Monday, August 12Monday, August 12Thursday, August 15
Form 10-Q
(with 5 day extension)
Wednesday, August 14Wednesday, August 14Monday, August 19
Form 10-Q
(Period ended Sept. 30, 2024)
Tuesday, November 12
(40 days from quarter end)
Tuesday, November 12
(40 days from quarter end)
Thursday, November 14
(45 days from quarter end)
Form NT 10-Q (Form 12b-25)
(1 day after filing due date)
Wednesday, November 13Wednesday, November 13Friday, November 15
Form 10-Q
(with 5 day extension)
Monday, November 18Monday, November 18Wednesday, November 20

Investment Manager Deadlines 45 Days After Calendar Year End and
45 Days After Each of the First Three Calendar Quarters End

Form 13F-HRWednesday, February 14
Form 13F-HRWednesday, May 15
Form 13F-HRWednesday, August 14
Form 13F-HRThursday, November 14

Larger Trader Registration Deadlines

Form 13H*Wednesday, February 14

The SEC is Closed for the Following Holidays

New Year’s DayMonday, January 1
Martin Luther King, Jr. DayMonday, January 15
Washington's BirthdayMonday, February 19
Memorial DayMonday, May 27
JuneteenthWednesday, June 19
Independence DayThursday, July 4
Labor DayMonday, September 2
Columbus DayMonday, October 14
Veterans DayMonday, November 11
Thanksgiving DayThursday, November 28
Christmas DayWednesday, December 25
New Year’s Day (2025)Wednesday, January 1

Other Form Types and Due Dates

Form 310 days after the individual becomes a reporting person
Form 42 business days after the transaction date
Form 545 days after Issuer’s fiscal year end
Form 8-K4 business days after the Date of Earliest Event Recorded
Form N-CEN (formerly Form N-SAR)All registered investment companies, other than face-amount certificate companies – 75 days after fiscal year end. Unit investment trusts – 75 days after calendar year end
Form N-CSRDue to be printed and mailed 60 days following the end of each half year by investment companies. EDGAR filing is due 10 days after the mailing date
Form N-PORT (formerly Form N-Q)All registered management investment companies or an exchange-traded fund organized as a unit investment trust (other than a money market fund or a small business investment company) – 30 days after the end of each month
Form N-PXAll registered management investment companies (other than small business investment companies registered on Form N-5) – No later than August 31st of each year for the most recent twelve month period ended June 30th
Schedule 13D10 days after the acquisition of more than 5% beneficial ownership; amendments are due promptly after material changes
Schedule 13G45 days after fiscal year end

*Amendments to Form 13H

*Amendments to Form 13H must be filed promptly following the end of a calendar quarter in the event that any of the information contained in a Form 13H filing becomes inaccurate for any reason. For example, a name change, business address or organization type change.

For Additional Information

Please contact us directly at (954) 461-5769 or email us directly at info@borerfinancial.com


*Amendments to Form 13H must be filed promptly following the end of a calendar quarter in the event that any of the information contained in a Form 13H filing becomes inaccurate for any reason. For example, a name change, business address or organization type change.

SEC Hours of EDGAR Operations

For submitting filings – Monday through Friday, 6:00AM – 10:00PM ET, excluding federal holidays.

Filings submitted after 5:30PM ET will receive the next business day as its filing date.

The following forms can be submitted up until 10:00PM ET to receive the same filing date:  Section 16 filings (Forms 3, 4 and 5), Form 144, SC 13D, SC 13G and amendments.

If a filing due date falls on a weekend or a federal holiday, the filing is due on the next business day.

For your convenience, you can download the 2024 SEC EDGAR filing calendar below